Monday, March 1, 2021 2pm to 3pm
About this Event
The Student Counseling Service is happy to announce that Dog Therapy is back this semester (virtually through Zoom)! In addition to our lead dog handler, Ms. Mary O’Leary, and her therapy dogs, we also will be introducing you to the pets of SCS staff. Get to know our pets, ask questions, and learn about how pets provide significant boosts to our moods. Drop by our Zoom meeting for any amount of time and enjoy animal time!
501 E. High Street
Oxford, OH 45056
1601 University Blvd.
Hamilton, OH 45011
4200 N. University Blvd.
Middletown, OH 45042
7847 VOA Park Dr.
(Corner of VOA Park Dr. and Cox Rd.)
West Chester, OH 45069
Chateau de Differdange
1, Impasse du Chateau, L-4524 Differdange
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
217-222 MacMillan Hall
501 E. Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056, USA