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Virtual Session

Any Handshake student with a link to this event can view and RSVP

At Schneider, we believe access to energy and digital is a basic human right. We empower all to make the most of their energy and resources, ensuring Life Is On everywhere, for everyone, at every moment. We provide energy and automation digital solutions for efficiency and sustainability. We combine world leading energy technologies, real-time automation, software and services into integrated solutions for Homes, Buildings, Data Centers, Infrastructure and Industries. We are a manufacturer with 20+ plants across North America. The Lexington, Kentucky Plant is a showcase for sharing industrial internet of things (IIoT) integration with customers, students, and the local community. During our Manufacturing Day celebration, you’ll have a chance to virtually tour the plant and see the exciting technology in place. Then you’ll participate in a live Q&A session with Schneider employees who want to share how they started their manufacturing careers and what they like most about their job. Agenda: A welcome from one of Schneider’s executives Virtual tour of Lexington, KY Plant (20 minutes) Live Q&A session with three Schneider employees (30 minutes) Seats are limited, so register now to ensure you get a space! Date: October 2, 2020 Time: 12:00 pm ET