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These etchings are the result of a 25-year journey by Cincinnati Collector, Brian Andrews. The prints represent seventeen different Operas by Piranesi, including Prima Parte Di Architetture e Prospettive, Carceri, Le Antichita Romane I, II, III, IV, IL, Campo Marizio Dell’ Antica Roma, Trofeo O Sia Magnifica Colonna Coclide and Vedute Di Roma. The exhibition exemplifies a cross-section of Piranesi’s genius as an artist, inventor and observer. The etchings were collected from many different places including Venice, Rome, New Orleans and Tokyo. Williams states: “The collection began on a spring day in Williamsburg, Virginia. That day, I purchased, Architectural Details From the Temple of Fortuna Virilis. At that moment, I would never have guessed that the collection would ultimate grow to the more than forty prints that it now comprises. I sincerely hope that those who visit the exhibit, enjoy the etchings as much as I did collecting them.”

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