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Hefner Zoology Museum, 100 Upham Hall, Oxford, OH 45056
View map Free Event

Join us at the Educator Open House on Wednesday, September 28, 2022
from 6:30-8:30 pm as Miami University Oxford campus museum resources open
their doors for extended hours to Tri-State area preK-12 educators.  Our facilities
offer rich resources in the areas of natural history, art and material culture that can
enhance preK-12 educational curricula.  This open house will introduce educators
to both on-campus resources, and resources that can be borrowed for in-
classroom enrichment.


 Participating Museums include: Hefner Museum of Natural History, Karl E. Limper Geology Museum, McGuffey House and Museum, Miami University Art Museum and Project Dragonfly


Admission is free and parking is available.

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