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You are encouraged to check back often in Handshake to see what school systems and organizations have registered so you have ample time to view their requirements and do your research.

This fair is designed for education majors seeking classroom teaching positions as well as educational administration jobs. Polish up your resume and don't miss the opportunity to attend.  This fair is for Miami University students and alumni only.


8:30 - 10:00 a.m.

Students check in and circulate to the school districts of interest to them. School representatives then schedule interviews for the remainder of the day.

10:10 - 11:30 a.m.
Morning Interviews With Candidates

11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Employer Luncheon / Students Are On Their Own

1:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Afternoon Interviews With Candidates

Students and Alumni will be able to park in the West parking lot of Millett Hall the day of the fair regardless of whether or not you have a Miami-issued parking permit.

Need your resume printed? The Career Center will print 20 free resumes (in black and white or full color). Fill out this form and pick it up at the Career Center in 1 business day!

Disability Accommodation Requests:

Miami University and the Center For Career Exploration and Success is committed to providing an inclusive and equitable experience. If you need disability related accommodations (e.g. interpreter, captioning, materials in an accessible format) to facilitate full participation please contact the Miller Center at least 2 business days prior to the event to ensure the smooth delivery of services by phone at 513-529-1541, TTY Relay at 7-1-1 or

The Teacher Job Fair is sponsored by the Center for Career Exploration and Success. The Career Center is located in Armstrong Student Center, room 0045 just below Cafe Lux. For more information contact us at or (513) 529-3834.