Wednesday, September 27, 2023 1pm to 5pm
About this Event
500 E. Sycamore St., Oxford, OH 45056 #hiremiamiohGet your job search underway at the 2023 Fall Career and Internship Fair (Wednesday, September 27, 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.), at Millett Hall.
Please pre-register via Handshake. (Click"+Join Event" in the upper right hand side of this page).
Bring a copy of your resume to check-in.
The Fall Career and Internship Fair, on September 27, will have employers recruiting for full-time positions and summer internships.
In preparation for the fair, the Career Center encourages you to engage with our office in the following ways:
1. Research the list of participating employers >>
2. Get your resume reviewed >>
3. Don't waste your MUlaa, Get your resume printed with the Career Center>>
4. Get your professional LinkedIn headshot »
5. Prepare for next day interviews by attending an Interview for Success workshop >>
Check the Center for Career Exploration & Success Website for additional workshop opportunities >>
Our Request of Students at In Person Career Fairs:
The Fall Fairs are sponsored by the Center for Career Exploration and Success. The Career Center is located in Armstrong Student Center, room 0045 just below Café Lux. For more information contact us at or (513) 529-3831.
Disability Accommodation Requests:
To request accommodations (i.e., sign language interpreters, captioning, materials an alternative format, etc.), please contact the Miller Center for Student Disability Services at (513) 529-1541, 7-1-1 (TTY-TDD), at least 2 business days prior to the event to ensure the smooth delivery of services.