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Presenters: Jacyln Spraetz and Nate Floyd

How do we encourage students to ask questions about the sources they encounter? How does a student know if a source is "credible"? Effective research assignments develop students' research skills, encourage students to engage more deeply in a subject, and help students learn the research methods of your discipline. This workshop will explore ways to encourage critical thinking about information through effective research assignment design, scaffolding, and classroom activities.

Jacyln Spraetz is an Information Literacy Librarian at Miami University. She promotes information literacy on campus and supports faculty and students through research design, instruction, and online materials. She serves as the library liaison to the Departments of Educational Psychology and Educational Leadership.

Nate Floyd is Student Success Librarian for Foundational Learning. He supports the student transition from high school to college with a focus on integrating research skills and information literacy into the first-year student curriculum. He also serves as the subject liaison to the Department of Emerging Technology in Business + Design.