Thursday, November 11, 2021 4:15pm to 5:30pm
About this Event
The Hefner Museum is pleased to welcome Dr. Rita R. Colwell as the 47th Hefner Lecture speaker on November 11, 2021. Her academic seminar "Science, society, and the road ahead" will be presented at 4:15pm on zoom.
Among many other accomplishments, Dr. Colwell is the first female director of the NSF and author of the recent book "A Lab of One's Own: One Woman's Personal Journey Through Sexism in Science." She has authored 18 other books, 800 scientific publications, and her contributions to science and public health have been recognized with 62 honorary degrees.
Event Type
Lectures & PresentationsEvents by Interest
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Advancing Women and Entrepreneurship, Alumni Association, Anthropology, Biological Sciences, Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Diversity Affairs Council, Geography, Geology and Environmental Earth Science, Graduate School, Graduate Student Association, Humanities Center, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Kinesiology and Health, McGuffey House and Museum, Microbiology, Museums Miami, Physics, Project Dragonfly, Residence Life, Student LifeHashtag
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