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801 S. Patterson Ave., Oxford, OH 45056

##civilrights, #socialjustic, #photography, #fotofocus
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WED, SEP 21, 5-7 PM: 

Points of View: Searching, Finding, Seeing

Mark Clennon on Photographing Civil Justice 


Mark Clennon speaks about his journey as an artist and finding his point of view. Seeing his work and hearing the stories behind his images will offer a contemporary lens into the world of Civil Rights activities. Clennon has been photographing Civil Rights protests over the past few years, including important protests in NYC following the 2020 murder of George Floyd. As a contemporary photographer, Clennon will bridge today’s movement with the historic 1964 Freedom Summer Program as documented by Steve Schapiro. Mark Clennon’s contemporary Civil Rights photographs of the Black Lives Matter Movement will provide an important context for the importance of the image as social documentation.


Sponsored by FOTOFOCUS, Richard and Sue Momeyer and the Department of Media, Journalism and Film