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The Altman Symposium is the final event in the 2020-2021 Altman Program, which has invited faculty, students, alumni, and the public to explore the geographical, artistic, psychological, cultural, and linguistic aspects of human migration. What are the causes—economic, religious, ethnic, political, environmental—of exodus and resettlement? What can we learn from those who have left, or been driven from, their homelands? Whose stories of migration gain traction, and what are the politics of its representation? What new aesthetic formations result from migration? And how can modern societies use the history of global migrations to chart ethical solutions to the challenges of the present?  

Thursday 1 p.m.  Migration Geography

Diane Fellows, “Marks in the Landscape: The Body as Trace”

Matthew Gordon, “Coerced Migration: The Slave Traffic of the Ninth-century Middle East”

Sandra Garner, “Migrations to ‘Indian Territory’: Placemaking in Motion”

Thursday 3 p.m. Writing and Filming Exile

Zara Torlone, “Exile as Opportunity: Joseph Brodsky’s Revision of Ovid”

Kazue Harada, “Caught in the Middle: My Will to Japan by Jinsun Tao”

Mila Ganeva, “Migrating Adults and Displaced Children after the Shoah: Fred Zinnemann’s Film The Search”  

Thursday 5 p.m. Keynote Lecture

Theodora Dragostinova (Ohio State University), “From Population Exchange to Ethnic Cleansing: Lessons from the Balkans”

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Meeting ID: 874 2478 8507
Passcode: 693684

  • Xuanzhuo Lai
  • Anna Elizabeth Harris
  • Ms. Erin Elliott

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